Parenting Resources
Babies & Children
Parenting Books
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp
Baby Bible (Good for ages 2-4)
Jesus Storybook Bible (Good for ages 5-10)
The Action Bible (Good for grades 4-6)
May the Faith be with You Bible (Good if your child likes Star Wars)
SJ Children's Ministry Videos/Podcast
Parenting Podcast; Social-Emotional Learning videos
Teach them to Pray
How Do I Have a Strong Prayer Life? (Good for when they are 10 years or older)
Dinner Devotions
Use the GodTime Devotions on the St. John's Denver App
Luther's Small Catechism
Use a Bible Verse and Teach on It
Wholesome Entertainment Options
PureFlix (Some are low budget. Others are really good. Look for the good ones.)
Superbook (Good for ages 6-11. Can be found on Amazon and PureFlix.)
VeggieTales and VeggieTales in the House
The So & So Show - Two friends get together to talk about things like honesty, perseverance, and self-control when a wacky, unpredictable, and off-the-wall show breaks out. If you like comedy and hearing about God's love, check out The So & So Show!
The Journey Today Show - Created by pastors to encourage families to spend time together as a family and to have real conversations about your faith and the questions you may have about your faith. Every episode includes scripture, a BIG IDEA of what we are learning from the scripture and a fun and crazy activity to help you remember what God is teaching us through His word.
Christian Rap
Tyrone Crawford
Christian Rock
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp
Baby Bible (Good for ages 2-4)
Jesus Storybook Bible (Good for ages 5-10)
The Action Bible (Good for grades 4-6)
May the Faith be with You Bible (Good if your child likes Star Wars)
SJ Children's Ministry Videos/Podcast
Parenting Podcast; Social-Emotional Learning videos
Teach them to Pray
How Do I Have a Strong Prayer Life? (Good for when they are 10 years or older)
Dinner Devotions
Use the GodTime Devotions on the St. John's Denver App
Luther's Small Catechism
Use a Bible Verse and Teach on It
Wholesome Entertainment Options
PureFlix (Some are low budget. Others are really good. Look for the good ones.)
Superbook (Good for ages 6-11. Can be found on Amazon and PureFlix.)
VeggieTales and VeggieTales in the House
The So & So Show - Two friends get together to talk about things like honesty, perseverance, and self-control when a wacky, unpredictable, and off-the-wall show breaks out. If you like comedy and hearing about God's love, check out The So & So Show!
The Journey Today Show - Created by pastors to encourage families to spend time together as a family and to have real conversations about your faith and the questions you may have about your faith. Every episode includes scripture, a BIG IDEA of what we are learning from the scripture and a fun and crazy activity to help you remember what God is teaching us through His word.
Christian Rap
Tyrone Crawford
Christian Rock

Pre-Teens and Teens
Do you want your pre-teen or teen to flourish as a follower of Jesus in middle and high school? Please have your child listen to or watch this sermon individually or as a family as Youth Director, Matt Walton, addresses pitfalls and some controversial issues.
Weekly Parenting Newsletter
Axis Culture Translator (fills parents in on trends and cultural shifts and how to understand them from a biblical perspective)
Parenting Articles
Beyond Discipline for Pre-Teens
Why We Should Escape Social Media (And Why We Don't)
Bible for Teen Girls (Good for preteens as well)
Teen Life Application Study Bible (Good for preteens as well)
Bible Studies
Bible Study: The Glory of God
Bible Study: What Makes a Good Friend?
Teach them to Read the Bible
Why Should I Trust the Bible?
Other Resources
YouthESource Devotions
Christian Music Resources
Christian produced movies
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
YouTube Channels
Switch Youth --- Videos that help them learn to feed themselves spiritually. I would show them this page as early as 5th grade to get ahead of the other content they will want to take in.
Melissa Dougherty --- skits, apologetics, art demonstrations
Whaddo You Meme? --- Bibilical World view on pop culture, apologetics on basic atheist questions
Mike Winger --- current world events and Bible teaching process via scripture
Cross Examined (Dr. Frank Turek) --- apologetics and defending your faith; he goes to college campuses and does open Q and A with EVERYBODY
Alisa Childers --- female apologist against progressive spiritual movements that try to water down Christianity
DLM Christian Lifestyle (Daniel Maritz) --- high quality produced guided Bible studies
Off the Kirb Ministries (Joe Kirby) --- transparent guy who shares a lot of before and after becoming a Christian and also does some street preaching
Ruslan KD --- Christian hip hop, current teen pop culture, live streams; new content every day
Ambassadors Of Christ (Jerren Lewis) --- source for Christian movies and documentaries
Got Questions (Nelson Martinez) --- basic questions about the Bible from a different type of perspective
Relationshots (Eric Wooten) --- relationship issues from Christian perspective
Jackie Hill Perry --- sexuality from the perspective of someone who is married to a man but still has same-sex attraction
CLEAN Christian Comics
Anjelah Johnson
Ted Cunningham
Jason Earls
John Branyan
Michael Jr
Chonda Pierce
Weekly Parenting Newsletter
Axis Culture Translator (fills parents in on trends and cultural shifts and how to understand them from a biblical perspective)
Parenting Articles
Beyond Discipline for Pre-Teens
Why We Should Escape Social Media (And Why We Don't)
Bible for Teen Girls (Good for preteens as well)
Teen Life Application Study Bible (Good for preteens as well)
Bible Studies
Bible Study: The Glory of God
Bible Study: What Makes a Good Friend?
Teach them to Read the Bible
Why Should I Trust the Bible?
Other Resources
YouthESource Devotions
Christian Music Resources
Christian produced movies
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
YouTube Channels
Switch Youth --- Videos that help them learn to feed themselves spiritually. I would show them this page as early as 5th grade to get ahead of the other content they will want to take in.
Melissa Dougherty --- skits, apologetics, art demonstrations
Whaddo You Meme? --- Bibilical World view on pop culture, apologetics on basic atheist questions
Mike Winger --- current world events and Bible teaching process via scripture
Cross Examined (Dr. Frank Turek) --- apologetics and defending your faith; he goes to college campuses and does open Q and A with EVERYBODY
Alisa Childers --- female apologist against progressive spiritual movements that try to water down Christianity
DLM Christian Lifestyle (Daniel Maritz) --- high quality produced guided Bible studies
Off the Kirb Ministries (Joe Kirby) --- transparent guy who shares a lot of before and after becoming a Christian and also does some street preaching
Ruslan KD --- Christian hip hop, current teen pop culture, live streams; new content every day
Ambassadors Of Christ (Jerren Lewis) --- source for Christian movies and documentaries
Got Questions (Nelson Martinez) --- basic questions about the Bible from a different type of perspective
Relationshots (Eric Wooten) --- relationship issues from Christian perspective
Jackie Hill Perry --- sexuality from the perspective of someone who is married to a man but still has same-sex attraction
CLEAN Christian Comics
Anjelah Johnson
Ted Cunningham
Jason Earls
John Branyan
Michael Jr
Chonda Pierce